I think you walked the The Royal Mile and about 8 or so kilometres too. Just for you I’ve checked nooks and crannies to find interesting stuff , oops I mean sights for you. The view of the castle from the Princes Street Gardens was cool and there weren’t 10,000 visitors( they were in the castle).
They have the stands set up for the Edinburgh Tattoo. No we didn’t get tickets. I wonder how the neighbours cope with the stands so close.
There was some some interesting statues in the park and an amazing floral clock that they change twice a year.
From the gardens we walked along the path and recorded ‘unique’ sights
You have been missing some culture, heritage museums and history in general, I know. I remedied this by visiting the Tollhouse. This was a gaol and then became a tenement. It showed the story of the people in Edinburgh. As you already know so much about Scottish history, I just took pictures of other bits, ( you may have to read a bit to get the full story).

If you lived in a tenement, the poor may live at the very top or bottom. Before there was indoor plumbing, come 10pm, you called out a warning and tipped everything out the window. When regulations came in, you tipped it into those lovely narrow alleyways you saw.

If you objected with anyone in control, you could become the news. The gaols were shared by men, woman and children.

Life in domestic service was often the only occupation available. Children of 14 on would join a household and work their way up.
The day started at 4.30 am and finished after the family went to bed. You had time off for meals. If you were independent or had a skill, you were in a better position. If by some bad luck, you couldn’t work, pay rent, or had no family to take you in, you ended up in the poorhouse. Eventually you could save up for your old age so your family didn’t have to have granny in an already crowded house and the poorhouse was out too. Thank goodness you and I saved up.
Medicine was experimental and often care was through the churches
Help for mums didn’t come till much later.

People complain about workers taking care and being responsible. It was a problem in 1900’s too.
Tomorrow we leave for the Faroe Islands. I know we are going to find it exciting and there are Puffins! You can’t wait ,can you? A little patience and you will be there.