
You are looking a little rosy and how are the feet? All ready for another day? We are off to Cornet Castle and I hope that wasn’t groans I heard. First let’s storm the moat across the lovely concrete bridge and through the gate.

Now this has been an important site since Neolithic times, through Roman occupation and then as a castle in Napoleonic times. So meet a few of the former occupants.

Guan fishing with a flint spear.
Man at arms defending with a crossbow.
Weapons available!
Let’s design a better castle!
Better weapons…26 cannons! Cover your ears.

Windows….at last
Roundhead.     Or
I told you the nursery shouldn’t be above the powder room! 

A storm hit the castle and lightning travelled down an blew up the gunpowder. Both children survived but the nanny, and mother were killed. The castle had been supported by retired or invalid soldiers but this was to change with the need for more fire power. Bring on the musket and cannons.

If you get this uniform dirty, I’m not cleaning it.

Since the castle was occupied by the Germans ( they had machine and anti aircraft guns on top of the castle), it has become a museum for World War 1 and 2 army and air forces. 40%  of the men who left for the army in WW1 didn’t return. This was a large part of the male population.

WW1 battle in France
Air Force

     201 Squadron

Flying is exhausting.

Within the castle, gardens have been created to represent each era.They were beautifully done.

Pleasure Garden.


Formal Victorian garden.

Having conquered the castle , it’s time to check out the Candie gardens. These were part of a private estate that was donated to the    city. There was a library, music bandstand and buildings( now the museum…..no we are not going so don’t look so alarmed).

Victor Hugo spent his time in exile here writing Les Miserables. He used to feed the neglected children and this is probably where the character in his play was inspired.

     The bandstand, now a tea room.

Well you are in for a rest.Ferry this evening  (running  late) , then tomorrow morning you arrive in Portsmouth to catch the bus to London.

Step  count 14889.  300 better than yesterday so you deserve that rest.


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