
Budapest is a beautiful city that has retained most of its old buildings with just a few modern buildings peaking out every now and then. Most of these buildings have glass facades that reflect the historical buildings surrounding them. Surprisingly with its history of occupation by the Germans and then the Russians, there are few examples of the industrial style of these regimes in the main city.







Nomadic tribes  settled in the region along the river. These tribes created the cities of Buda and Pest on either side of the Danube river. People traded across the river on pontoons and eventually a bridge was built to join the two cities. The tribes are represented by statues in Hero Square along with a memorial to the unknown soldier.Now there are four bridges linking different sections of the city.

Beyond the Square is the City Botanical Gardens. Here you can relax   by the water, walk, listen to music, for the energetic,there are paddle boats( but get the red Ferrari cos it will go faster ). One of the favourite activities is to visit the hot Széchenyi baths . We looked at the foyer but are “bathing” tomorrow.There is also a fun park, circus and a museum made up of different architectural styles reflecting different eras in Hungary.




Széchenyi baths

St Matthias Church and Fisherman’s Bastian from below.

Now if you are not too tired, it’s time to get back on the bus and head for the most historical part of the city. You thought you were in it …..well this is quite modern….I mean the castle district.  Here is the original castle, gardens, and St Mattias church. The stairs leading down to the river are know as the Fisherman Bastian. Stairs, again you say….well you could walk up but why not take the Funicular ,or be  really modern and , catch the electric shuttle bus. We took the shuttle.

View of St Stephens Basilica and Freedom Brodge

Castle gates
Parliament building and Margaret Bridge
Zero stone from which everything inHungary is marked.
Castle Gardens.
        St Matthias

Castle sculpture








Check this out…an alien race, Detective Vernie’s Hungarian cousin,robot invasion. no it’s a sculpture about Human relevance and robotics…..definitely a question for Detective Vernie who is a lego robot.







Exhausted , ready to collapse in a heap? Sorry you are not done. The sun is shining and there is more to see and you haven’t had lunch yet….remember it’s your duty to try the local food…goulash, fish soup and if room…strudel. We went to the market hall. Originally this building was accessed by boats coming up from the river under the building. Now there are roads.

The market restaurant had music, waiters who carried your food and found you a spot. Thumbs up for the Goulash ….soup,beef with dumplings, pork with noodles and salad. I liked the fish soup but thumbs down from Mike.

Guess what this building is…..a church, restaurant or something official? Wrong it’s a train station. You may now return to your hotel and collapse in a heap.


  1. Great photos!! Mike is in his element with the food!! Looking forward to hearing n seeing more of your trip xxxx

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