
We have a full day today. No complaining, I know it’s hot but that’s why we are getting up early and going. First stop…..herbal medicines and spices of Sri Lanka.

Spice Garden
He is knowledgeable but he is a little like a snake oil doctor selling cures. The vine is pepper.
Cocoa pods , who knew they grew through the bark.
Cocoa flower

Did you enjoy the herbal tea and shoulder massage? I liked the tea but no I won’t buy any. I was thinking the diffuser oils were pleasant. Any purchases?

Next stop;- the Golden Temple of Dambula. It is a bit of a climb

That is the teaching facility
Flower offerings here
Last chance
You might need a drink
You can start here
Don’t feed them no matter how cute
From the top
Shoes and hats off, cover those knees
Now you know how old this area is
The entrance
Inside you are surrounded by Buddha statues
Reclining Buddha in oldest cave
The second cave has roof paintings as well as statues
Buddha, Buddha every where
The design on Buddha’s pillow is beautiful but did he get lots of money for the teeth that has gone to the many tooth fairy temples
If I leave an offering and a note, will one of the Buddhas answer.
Another reclining Buddha
Some are beautifully painted
Tree of life
Elephant sanctuary

Are you excited? I am! We are going(hopefully) to see elephants. There are herds of elephants in the park.

At the lakeside
There are so many … and babies of all ages
This baby is only days old

The females all move closely around the mother and baby to protect it.

You can hardly see the baby
You need to move, I am coming through
I have right of way
Mum and baby
Don’t wander off
Time to go, the herds moving
Let’s go

Two mails  had a slight head butting incident and knocked over another elephant but it was over in seconds and the herd headed into the forest

Time for us to go.

That was so exciting, don’t you think. Look that is Lion Rock. We are going to climb that in a few days. You managed 550 today so you can do it! Tomorrow we going to visit an ancient settlement ruins. Another early start to avoid the heat and crowds.

Lion Rock in distance

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