Negotiating the passport control was somewhat tricky at the Tajikistan end. We were lucky the guide for the other group was hovering. One official directed us to go to a window but there was no one there and a mass of locals trying to get their stamp. In the end the guide took all 18 passports and had them stamped. No facial check necessary.

From the border to Bukhara , is agricultural land. Unlike Tajikistan,the road is free of rubbish and the area is more highly populated. An irrigation system has been put in place allowing better crop yield.

Bukhara is made up of beautiful buildings used for teaching and for religious ceremonies. It has been destroyed and rebuilt many times in its 2500 year history.

The old city is easy to walk around and is a photographers’ idea of heaven. I have been having fun trying different angles. May I share some of your photos as I don’t think some of mine are very good? Much photographed is the Poi Kalan and Kalon Minaret. These have survived without being destroyed by the invasion because of the patterns and workmanship in their creation.

Within the complex of buildings there are many nooks and crannies. These are filled with stores selling textiles, toys, jewellery ,knives and carpets. I had fun looking but didn’t buy much.
I saw you eyeing off the magic lamps. I rubbed all of them but no genies appeared for me. No luck for you either?

As it was in the past, some crafts people have set up small workshops. You can browse their work and purchase if you wish. A flying carpet will take a year for two girls to knot in silk so expect to pay $60,000. Too expensive, they do have cheaper. Girls are paid by the number of knots they do,
Perhaps you would like a brass plate. Which design and shape?

I need some sharp craft scissors…..a knife for you perhaps.

A miniature watercolour may be more your style. You can buy the work of a student or an experienced artist. More detail in design and colour…..about $50 but you can negotiate.

Did you love the puppets? Weren’t their faces so cute?

Enough retail therapy! Now it’s time for a culture fix.You are looking at buildings that existed centuries before Christ so AD.

If you are the boss or rich, you can afford a mausoleum for you and your sons. No girls allowed…..you sold them off oops..married them off.

Thirsty? Let’s have some freshly squeezed pomegranate juice. You could have a camel ride too.

One father was devoted to his daughters. He had four. Girls were not educated normally but he built the first school for them with four minarets. Other girls were educated here as well.

One more main building….it’s like a fortress and belonged to an Omir with four wives and 32 concubines. You deserve a rest….so do I. I am in information overload.
There is a dance and fashion show tonight . We are leaving at eight in the morning . Get packed. I will see you later.