Cairn to welcome the lost.
Trading post

Djúpivogur is a small town of 500 people. They have a K-10 school with 100 students  and a preschool of 40 students. The town is growing not dying.They will feel invaded today with two cruise ships of 900 people. I think they will send us to the town in small groups so not to overwhelm the town. What do you think?
The town itself nestles beneath a huge mountain with an unpronounceable name, Bûlandstindur. It has been a trading post for the area from the 16th Century. Unfortunately this brought it to the notice of pirates in that period and 100 people were taken from the town as slaves. This must have been devastating for the community at that time . A cairn stands to guide the missing home.The original trading post building dates back to 1792 and now is the town cultural centre. It was the shop then a warehouse  for the smaller shop( the black building) that was added. Now it has a colourful path as well.

Local folklore suggests the mountain grants wishes during the summer solstice. Now I can think of lots of things to wish for but I am sorry, we won’t be here. The town practises ‘Cittaslow’ which is a movement that promotes sustainable slow living practices. A relaxed easy way of life with only tourists disrupting it.

The harbour

    A multi purpose building for the community : council, police . Do you miss the brightly coloured buildings of other towns? Buildings here are white, beige, red or black.

The town

Fishing is still the main industry for the town however they also run fish farms,Up to 3 million fish are held in the farm until they are  4 kg. Processing is done  locally and the fresh fish sent to market. They even make the boxes to pack fish.

The old tanks

Fish oil was processed , stored in these tanks and sold. Tanks from this time are used now storage and mixing the waste from the fish processing into animal feed….except for one.This smaller tank was cleaned and is now the local concert hall.

The ‘Opera or Concert Hall’


Our singer could certainly use the acoustics of the tank.

What are these rocks?

How good are you at recognising rock types? Tricky isn’t?

Steinasafn Auduns can not only recognise rocks but can see their potential when cut. They look amazing when cut and polished.


34 species  of birds nest in the area. This is celebrated in sculpture and art. Each egg is in a stone the same colour as the actual bird egg. The artist’s created it because he thought the empty posts left after the fish oil pipe was removed looked ugly. Now if we had the same creative vision……

Egg installation

There is other art in odd places like rock boats…….

Huldefolk houses.

Even this sculpture ’Freedom’, representing an African slave that escaped to Djúpivogur.


He ran successful businesses , raised a big family and contributed to the community. Our guide suggested ,the .community’s brown eyes and hair is a result of his children. He had a Danish name from his owner, Hans Jönatan.

A famous woodcarver from an earlier time as his own special display. He specialised in busts but did complete other works.

An engraved printing plate.


The people of this community are proud of their achievements. They love their history and are looking forward to the future.


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