Six trains today……we were running late for the Glacier Express but it is a tourist train so it was running even later…..which makes us early.
All the trains took us through the Swiss Alps which, as you expect is amazing scenery so I looked with my eyes and not so much with the camera. We had not been able to get window seats either which means lots of strangers and somewhat strange pictures with reflections so you will have to take my word for the picture postcard scenery. I will give you a taste. Oh did I mention we were up in the clouds for some of the time…..fog/cloudy pictures.
Now for a little fun , I took some quirky photos.
Look at the following photos and see if you can spot :-contented cows, a castle or two, a red train down in the valley, a church on a hill, a stone cottage, a car tunnel, a train tunnel, a train coming out of the fog, sheep behind a pole, a very heavy car, a trumpet,
a shoe shop.
Have fun and I promise to do better on the ferry to Lucerne tomorrow.