
My knowledge of Japan and its history is sadly lacking so a trip to Meiji Restoration Museum was needed. Japan was ruled by feudal lords with the Emperor as a figurehead. As usual with this situation, one family became more powerful and took control. To ensure their rule continued , opposing factions were allocated lands at a greater distance from Tokyo. The rulers of all areas were required to travel to the capital once a year with the taxes and to pay homage to the controlling lord. This of course took a lot of time and money for those furthest away. In the south, this meant up to 60 days travel.

Saigo Takamori, the hero who tried to improve the lives of his clan through good governance and education

Kagoshima ( known as the Naples of Japan) had already been influenced by foreign contact and was aware that Japan could not remain in isolation as was intended by the Endo rulers. In this region, the Satsuma clan believed education was the wealth its people needed and not a huge castle.  A system called Goji education was put into place . This was based on the teaching of the Chinese philosopher Confucius. Older children were taught and they in turn taught younger children. Lessons included reading, writing and mathematics, martial arts and critical thinking. The motto was not to lose, mistreat the weak or to lie. Children were also expected to have cultural training in music and art so they could appreciate a simple but rich lifestyle.

When the British attacked the region because of a misunderstanding causing the death of a British citizen, the leader realised how isolation had caused Japan to become technologically backward. To overcome this, the clan sent 12 young men to learn Western ways and technology. If discovered, the men would have been killed by the Endo ruler. The men quickly learnt and the majority returned to help Japan modernise. This was also part of the trigger that caused war between the Endo clan in Tokyo and the Satsuma clan.

Enough culture ! Nature time and a trip by bus to Sengan-en was needed. This has the active volcano Sakurajima as a backdrop. It is a series of beautiful vistas but check it out yourself.  As you walk in the gate ,the noise of the busy road drops away and peace envelopes you.















The day is not over. There is still the museum to see the equipment built on the return of those young men including a particular type of crystal glass they invented where coloured glass is bonded onto clear glass and then the pattern cut into the glass. Sorry both the bag and wallet are too small to bring you any.

Heating the glass to blow it.
Adding colour
Reheating and bonding the new colour
Removing bubbles
Cutting the design
Buffing to smooth the surface.












Its a quick taxi ride to the port. Now you are taking a ferry to the nearby island that has 600000 people living with an active volcano. It constantly rubbles and smokes and regular has small eruptions. Don’t worry, they have an escape plan.

Your ferry.
Ah the volcano.
Ash is swept up an put into bags at this sign on the street.
Volcano readings this year

Foot baths for everyone to use. Relax look at the view. You have only walked 7 kms.


Dinner time. Trains trains and more trains tomorrow!

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