Remember the saying: red sky in the morning gives everyone a warning. Yes you’re right…rain again. Kodiak is famous as a fishing port and for salmon canning. In fact the Alutiiq people beach fished using nets for thousand of years and dried the fish to feed their families. When the Russians came fishing became big business. Unfortunately the Russians treated the locals badly so the monks were sent to the island to encourage better behaviour by the governors..
Many were killed .
One monk survived , Herman. This church was built. It is the oldest church in Alaska. The monk hassled the Governors and supported the Alutiiq to retain their language and customs. He is still revered as a saint by the local population and believed to perform miracles.
Today you are going to a maritime museum. No sad face please.

Okay your done!

Canneries were set up along the coast at Kodiak. People and equipment were brought in just before the fish came…..Cans were made by hand , tin cut and soldered, fish caught….processed….stuffed into cans ….cooked…cans sealed and then cans and men shipped out at the end of summer.Chinese, Japanese and finally Filipino men came. Today there are many more cultures.
There were so many canneries that it was realised that it was unsustainable. They amalgamated. The brands are remembered in an innovative fashion…..look at the bins.
You can go to the museums….
But I have museum overload. Let’s go learn about Kodiak bears. There are six types of Salmon bears can snack on during summer. They also like a variety of grasses and berries. Having a protein rich diet means the Kodiak bears are bigger than mainland bears.
Having checked out the bears, realised there are 6 different salmon species and listened to their interviews, let’s go back to the ship. wow there is a seine fishing boat. That will entertain us…quiet day painting tomorrow then Dutch Harbour.
No luck😕try again.
Descriptions of your travels are superb – I’m actually back in some of those places at times.
SO impressed with your energy!!
Thanks Ann, I am glad I am reminding you of your travels