Are you cherry blossomed out? With so many beautiful cherry trees, it is hard to know which ones to photograph isn’t it. Kyoto is known for its Buddhist temples ,Shinto shrines and magnificent cherry blossoms parks , gardens and walks. Don’t panic, you are not going to visit all of them but I advise you to put on your walking shoes because they are quite a walk and just a few train rides. There are a few beautiful old buildings but just like you…people here want to live with modern comfortable houses or flats.

Let’s begin with the Philosophers walk so named for a university professor who walked and contemplated this way daily. Did you love the blossoms and the interesting food and other stalls along the sides? I believe the green tea ice cream is fabulous.

Kiyomizudera Temple is a Buddhist temple . It is the site of teaching and is among the temple considered to be the most important in Japan.

Just beyond the temple is a viaduct system built in the 1600’s to supply water to the temple and also was linked to a waterway where boats and goods were moved across the local waterways.
From here you are going to the Golden pavilion,Kinkakujicho-ji. This is again a zen Buddhist temple with a magnificent garden.The building was built in the 1400’s but was damaged and has been restored.
Are you exhausted and overwhelmed. WELL I am , so I’m off for a rest and dinner…..I have walked 7.5 kms. See you tomorrow.