
After another rest day at sea, I am sure you are all ready to explore Puerto Madryn. Your first task is to stroll down the extremely long pier( the sea is shallow here). It should only take 10 minutes or so.

The pier
High tide?

Are you looking forward to the Ecocentre and sea lion rookery or seeing the town? I know you were surprised to hear the area was settled by Welsh miners. It would have been a massive shock to arrive on the coast and be confronted by the landscape.

Sand , arid and little water

The miners stayed in caves initially but ,with the help of the local indigenous people, learnt to farm and survive in a place with just 200mm of rain in a year.Local settlements have Welsh names or street names and some even have retained the Welsh language,

Tehuelche people

No we are not checking out the Welsh settlement so you can eat Welsh cake (or bakestones or pics). We are going to the Ecocentre. This is a research centre that is available to everyone as an education source

Juvenile whale skeleton
Kelp forest sculpture

Their research at present is focusing on whales, marine pollution and effects of climate change in tidal pool ecosystems. There was a fun lecture on penguin evolution. You didn’t nod off did you?

Lecture theme

To the sea lion rookery..

There was one male, females and pups

They are fun to watch dive, swim and have fun . No you can’t stay longer, it’s time to return to the town.

The inner city still has single or double storey houses but there are certainly more apartment blocks springing up.

Rise of the apartments

Naturally there is a statue or three to celebrate or commemorate historic events.

Ocean and diving?
Definitely sad at the loss of 25 cadets in crash
Arrival of the Welsh
Working together

I know you need you historical fix so we went off to find the museum. It shut at 12.00 oops but you got to see the train. Yes you can see the train track doesn’t exist anymore.

The old train station.

The first and second Catholic Churches sit side by side I am sure this creates competition for the congregation or just more opportunity to visit. The oldest certainty offers simplicity and peace.

Oldest on the right
So simple and beautiful

With such a dangerous beach, you would expect lifeguards. There are plenty dotted along the beach and yes people were swimming and enjoying water sports. I was wearing a jumper.

One of many life guard stations

Some fun shots..

What can you photograph
A food truck, are you hungry?
Is this a genuine café and which animals can afford to travel?

Two more sea days for you to relax….no this does not mean grazing at the different food venues all day…..catch up on your reading, walk in the deck (if not too windy), write your blog 😄😂🤣. See you in the next port.

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