Land, I can’t imagine how sailors felt after weeks at sea. Two days of luxury and I still can’t wait to get off ….perhaps it is because we were cooped up. Punta Arenas used to be part of a major shipping route before the Panama Channel was built. Today it is an important sheep area and a jumping off point for Antartica cruises.

Ready, we are going on a walking tour of the historical area. Today is Sunday so it is quiet in the city.

Did you get a certificate for crossing the Magellan Straits? No , me neither but stand in front and I will take your photo.

The first settlers were not successful. Today is the first day of summer just like at home. There is a strong wind blowing and the temperature is 9degrees Celsius. Not really a great environment for people not adapted to the climate or to understanding what will grow here.

Look we haven’t even got past the waterfront.

It is hard to believe most of these beautiful buildings were people’s homes. Even more unreal is the fact that many were belonging to members of one wealthy family.

There are other buildings that actually were built from local materials and not imported. These include the cathedral and administration building buildings.

Originally a penal settlement, Punto Arenas became more populated when the Chile government offered land and money incentives. Some families became wealthy with sheep properties and shipping interest. The indigenous population was either killed or moved to the islands when their normal hunting practices conflicted with the land owners.

The climb to the lookout wasn’t that bad but you do deserve a treat. Look I found a chocolate shop.

More sights to see. You can see where settlers may have come from by their front yards.

Some houses are built up to the footpath. These house have backyards with fruit and vegetable gardens in the back.
A few more historical sights then back to the ship. It is chilly with that cold wind.

Magellan died before returning to Europe. The journey and the first circumnavigation by this route was completed by Captain Elcano.
The oldest monument in the city is a cross near the observation point. It is a simple wooden cross that commemorates the death of hundred of people at the hand of soldiers.

Punto Arenas celebrates its past I think. It recognises the contribution both good and bad of its immigrants from Croatia.Lithuania, Spanish and Chilotes ( people from Chiloé Archipelago).

Don’t worry there is a new one!

Back to the ship… hot drinks…a snack and then yes we sail for the next port.