Today we are travelling through areas of natural beauty….according to all the guide books. Even though it was raining (often) and the wind was so strong it would knock you over, I would have to say it was very picturesque. You check it out and see what you think.

Ireland is known for its ruined castles but we have found it more intriguing imagining who lived in some of the simple cottages you see abandoned and being reclaimed by nature. We thought these might have been workman cottages for the flint and slate quarries in the area. On remote peninsulas you can see the remains of Watch towers for ancient kings.
Beara peninsular.

Dereen gardens was established during the Victorian period with exotic and local species. Now the Rhododendrons are as tall as oak trees.
On the way to Bantry. Now your trip is going to be a little hit and miss. As we go up and down the small byways, Internet is definitely hit and miss……but I am thinking of you and taking lots of photos so you will have a feast and then time to recover .