
Were you glad to be walking in a forest and by the sea,( but not while floating on it)? Sitka has a long history of settlers. The Tlingit people had long enjoyed the little islands and milder climate of the area. It only gets 30cm of snow in winter so it’s winters are mild compared to the rest of Alaska.

Did you enjoy the history told through a mosquito……and dance. It was so clever.
Russians discovered the area. They realised that the sea otters in the area were valuable.
They called them soft gold. Little remains to show their influence apart from the St Michaels Cathedral……we were too late to see inside. There is a Russian Xmas gift shop if you need a Babushka  doll set.

Tlingit and Russians had different ideas about sustainable hunting so went to war. Tlingits won but left the area until the Russians asked them to come back……not sure why but could have been for the hunting.
Once the soft gold ran out , the Russians sold Alaska for 2cents an acre to the Americans. Neither side wanted the British to have it. The deal was signed…..yes you guessed….in Sitka. Where it was signed  burnt down and it is just a lookout now,

Wow look at the salmon jump!
Of all the towns we have visited, this is the prettiest. You can walk to the forest complete with bears and totems. The sea wall gives spectacular views of the tiny islands in the bays. Fishing and tourism may be the main industries but it is beautiful.     

Bead detail on Tlingit ceremonial coat
Totems in Heritage Park

There are some interesting sights around the town like a 1950’s soda fountain in the chemist shop.
     The town has many Tlingit symbols.

Sitka was definitely a cute heritage town. Are you hoping for a sunny day tomorrow to see the glacier?  Me too!

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