
Now imagine heading off one day to start digging a new power plant, only to find you are standing in the middle of a Roman town. The Romans in their conquest, built a series of towns along the borders . These were to be able to protect their areas and to move troops to other areas quickly. The town was built 500 feet from the Danube. Troops would have sailed to the area required. This area is now 1.5 hours drive from the river. The ruins were 17 feet below the ground and cover an extensive area.

Model showing how the town may have been laid out.

So far the cemetery, baths and amphitheater have been excavated. Frescoes, skeletons and other artefacts have been recovered. The amphitheater is thought to have had a wooden seating structure on top of a stone foundation. This has partially been recreated.


Pagan as arms not crossed.






Christian as the arms are crossed
Tomb of a famous leader and his mother.     So far 400 bodies and graves have been discovered. Some of these have been identified for their gender and whether they were Christian or  Pagan. The archeological team have also discovered different decorations ,such as frescoes ,mosaics or objects that would have been associated with the buried persons life.

Depth of wall






A Roman villa has also been recreated and is being used as the headquarters for the study area. Rooms are arranged around a central courtyard.More buildings are being recreated that will form the basis of an educational centre.


Now there was another female body has also been discovered. Scientists have been unable to say the cause of death, possibly misadventure but foul play has been discounted. It is though the said female was a stick in the mud and that may have lead to her downfall. She is called Bika and is a 1,000,000 year old mammoth.

Meet Bika

The Emerald Sky was berthed at Golubac. A fortress was built into the rock to defend the area. It is thought to date back to 1335 and has been owned by the Hungarians, Serbians and Turks.

Along the gorge, a huge face of the Siberian King Decebalus has been carved into the mountain side. It took 12 men two years to complete. There is also a monastery that has recently been restored. It was destroyed during the Soviet period. We thought it was a resort.


At the end of this section of the Danube, a dam has been built for hydroelectricity. River traffic enters a lock that takes the boat down 34 metres . This is called Iron Gate 1. There is a second smaller lock further down stream called Iron Gate 2 but the change in water height is not as dramatic.









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