Tigre is 24 km from the main city. It is on the River Plate delta. Train travel in Argentina is one of the cheapest forms of travel. Tigre is a popular destination as there is an amusement park…It is the Disneyland of Argentina.

Ready for your adventure? Down to Retiro, the central railway station.

Travelling on the trains is definitely an experience. There is the constant spruiking of sellers. Chocolate? Pretzel buns? Towels? Sweets? You name it …..it will be offered.

If you don’t find that entertaining, perhaps watching groups sharing Mate. This is a herbal drink. Herbs are mixed with sugar and hot water in a Mate cup and drunk with a straw. It is a communal drink and you all drink from the same cup using one straw. Did you want to buy a cup…. they are everywhere.

I’m not sure it will take off in Australia. Can you imagine a group of ladies all sharing one cup of coffee? One cup per person is often not enough coffee or tea , let alone sharing it.
We are here!

Did you want to go to the fun park? No? Let’s take a boat trip into the delta and then have lunch.

There is so much to see on the banks of the river. Some islands have been stabilised with pine trees and barricades of wood, rocks or reeds to stop erosion of the banks. Many of the big houses are now hotels , club buildings or part of resorts

There are hidden inlets to go down and there appears to be a variety of activities to enjoy on vacation or just because you live here.

Well back we go.

Travelling in another country where your only language is English makes choosing food quite an experience. We are getting quite good at pointing aren’t we? Let’s try this restaurant? They have pictures!

Lunch was great. Time to head back. I wonder what will be sold on the train this time.

Last few days and still heaps to see. Enjoy a rest because there is lots more walking tomorrow