So far so good, tickets scanned, lunchtime allocated and we are ready to board. Train will arrive in Quebec just a little bit late ……2 hours. Great for us but not those going to Montreal. We get to arrive at 8 instead of 6. You get an extra hour or so of sleep depending on whether you want breakfast or not……I’ll be in the dining car.The accommodation is compact but you get your own wet room and the seats are comfy don’t you think. We managed to fit your backpack in the cupboard if you are looking for it.
Masks are still being worn on trains except if you are eating. Don’t leave the cabin room open or you will be in trouble from the attendant if you are not wearing a mask. We copped it a few times😒😞
The dining car is 5 carriages up from your room. There is a small lounge with wifi too. What did you choose for lunch….the clam chowder followed by chicken and mushrooms, the salmon salad or the rigatoni? I skipped the chowder but the chicken was excellent. Pecan pie for dessert. If you are in a sleeper carriage, all meals are included in your fare. Non sleeper passengers have to bring their own food at present. In the past , they could go to the dining car and pay.
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How do you feel having a train line in your backyard. Some houses are built right up to the tracks. Much of the land is marshy and the houses are built on high points. As we move towards Quebec , houses are becoming more single story ranch style rather than two storey. Land that is not as wet , appears to be cleared for agriculture. ↙️
Wake up! It’s morning and I won’t ask how you slept😵💫
Update, ranch style houses were only for swampy areas, we are back to storybook houses and the land is cleared for grain crops. Farms appear to be small as the houses are only a few paddocks apart. Each seems to have a stainless steel topped rocket shaped concrete silo.
Early start but as the train was delayed for an hour and half we had time for breakfast before getting off to get the connecting bus to Quebec station.
It was amusing watching Mike try to drink his coffee as the train lurched from side to side at 130 kmh. Will it get to his mouth or down his jumper?
Success! I don’t have to wash it. Ready for Quebec City ?