
Now you will never guess where we went today! Would you like a clue? Here are some photos to help you guess.













Still not sure? We are in Turku. Now I know you all know exactly where that is don’t you, well you are wiser than I. I only found out when we decided to visit the Åland Islands off the coast of Finland. Turku is the third largest city in Finland and has always been important in the trade industry for Finland dating back to Medieval times. Unfortunately because of its location, it has belonged to Sweden and Russia ,at various times.
Quite early in medieval times a fortress was built to defend the area. This was Turku Castle. As time passed….over a 700 year period, the buildings experienced many changes caused by fire, renovation, war and land changes.

Stage 1
Stage 2


Stage 3
Stage 4

Even in the 1700’s, the architectural importance was recognised. Early in the 1900’s renovations of the building were planned and begun. A fire break out and destroyed some of this work. By 1940, the designs for restoring the building had been completed and work stated. Unfortunately bombs landed on the castle and destroyed part of the chapel and  artefacts during World War 2. All restoration work is now complete and the castle reflects its medieval history and also shows capsules of the different eras of people who have inhabited the area. Artefacts from the neighbouring universities and museum have been used to illustrate each time.

This goal room without windows
A goal for the more wealthy.
Now this bed you can raise for more space.








Here are some of the amazing renovations.

The chapel.



Medieval graffiti as students recorded their names.

Now this was a Castle with many hidden features. Rooms were heated by a fire in the bottom of the building and the heat was funneled up through channels in the ceilings. Similarly waste from the toilet long drops were channelled down.

The Loo!
Which door,it’s urgent.





Excuse me!







So now you have visited the oldest Medieval Castle in Finland. Were you impressed. We spent 3 hours there and didn’t see everything!!!!

What about Finland’s maritime history, there was a photo of a mast? I’m getting there. Our next port of call( pardon the pun), was the Maritime history. We spent the next 4 hours looking at boats,ships,and stories of the sea

Still playing with ships.

This is on a mine layer and sweeper. It carried 100 mines.

Bore, an early passenger cruise ship.
For 1st class.

Tired are you….well a quick stroll to see a few sculptures along the channel and then its dinner, a hot drink and bed. Set the alarm as you have to be on the Ferry to the Åland Islands by 7.am

Now you remember that!
Bird and fish…..working together?
A very early lighthouse from Middle Ages
He loves me, he loves me not!

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