Today we are cruising through the Magellan Straits to Ushuaia. It was worth getting up early to see the snow covered mountains and glaciers. Although it is classed as summer, I think at a maximum of 9 degrees Celsius, we should rug up.

We are here!

Sorry we are not seeing the town today…we are heading to jail. No we are not under arrest. Ushuaia was settled when the navy brought convicts to build a prison. They were second offenders. In time up to 850 prisoners were housed here. Some had committed terrible crimes, others were political and some just had committed minor crimes once too often.

Life was miserable here.

So cold, dark and watched the whole time.

Life would have been miserable. Escaping to work in the workshops or gathering wood would be a relief.

The prisoners built a railway line out to the forests. Firewood was a necessity to keep the settlement going

We are going on that train.

I think our journey was easier than the prisoners don’t you, and with snacks and hot drinks.
A few more stops before we head back.

The original people who lived in the area belonged to one of three groups

They had adapted to the harsh conditions. The coming of Europeans destroyed this lifestyle.

Did you enjoy the day? It was certainly full of experiences. Tomorrow we sail around Cape Horn. This was the place where many ships foundered, but I am sure modern vessels are more than capable of making the trip. So don’t worry.
Here is a penguin or two to keep you going.