Time to leave Cusco and head to Chile. Are you sad? Peru has been interesting and so different.

The trip to Santiago is uneventful and we here we are by a direct flight. How are we getting to Valparaiso? By car…. It will be here soon.

This is Valparaiso.

Valparaiso is known for its historical buildings and street art . Some of the murals are amazing. It is hard to choose a favourite but it is a shame so many have been tagged. First some streetscapes before we climb up all those stairs to the main hippie oops no happie area.

Now for the stairs and art! You aren’t tired are you because we have just begun.

There is art on every wall and corner. Because of the hills, you can take a funicular. Some have fallen into disrepair but this one is fine.

Look at this amazing house. It is now the art museum.

The house used to be owned privately and was designed by the Italian architect Baburizza. He wanted something playful.
Some fun sights

Tomorrow we join the ship then the following day we have a tour of the city. I wonder what new sights we will see.
P.s Travellers beware. Mike had his phone taken by a pickpocket using the throwing something on you trick and then offering to help you. Aren’t you glad I made you buy a phone strap. Hard to lift your phone when it’s attached to you.