
Now the choice today was go boozing at a winery, climb a mountain or walk around Vidin. Now I know you were hoping I had suddenly become a mountain climber but unfortunately for you, I chose checking out the town without a guide. Bulgaria,like many countries,has only recently left Soviet rule ( well 20 years is still short when you have to change the mindset of many generations).

Old on left.Soviet on right

The town of Vidin reflects these changes. Most of the buildings are Soviet and have become run down but rubbing shoulders with these  are the buildings that have come from earlier times. These have certainly worn better and even some of the buildings deserted in Soviet time are quite solid. These are now being renovated. In time I am sure the Soviet buildings will be renovated or demolished. 

Now of utmost importance,there is a railway with 5 train services a day!

Main administration building. Check out the air conditioner units in the windows

Running along the edge of the river is the fortress wall. This is now edged with a garden park. At present, it is somewhat wild and filled with wildflowers . Workmen had left their bikes to start their day of repairing ,pruning and mowing. It was as if they had started to prepare for the onslaught of summer visitors. The fortress is impressive and we enjoyed walking around it. Unlike other fortresses, the grounds have not been improved. The stairs are worn, the ramps steep and cobbled. Rooms are small with few windows.I don’t think it would have been a comfortable place to live.

Cutting the grass
Woman power

Icons in the chapel
Central corridor,wide enough for animals

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