Each house has a protection sign against evil or disease
The village.
Our local guide explaining how to pray at a Shinto shrine
Wash your hands and mouth
Climb the stairs


Donate and ring the bell to wake the gods


Clap two times, pray, bow
This is 850 years old
Street are numbered
Streets are narrow and buildings share walls to make them stron


Dressed for the visit
Drying mushrooms
Cooking fish to sell…or for tourists to taste!
This was a villager who left, made his money and came back to help his people by building a school and a community meeting place.

Kii Nagashima is a region off the beaten track. It’s main source of income has been farming and agriculture. Like most rural areas, the young leave for education and don’t come back because there are no jobs. This has not been the case for two young men. They work in IT so once they were established in their industry, they returned and are now trying to revitalise their village with tourism.

Shinto shrine
Buddhist shrine.

People of this region are proud of their area ,culture and traditions. We were invited into the home of one lady. Her walls are paper , doors are moveable screens, and ventilation between rooms is through decorative vents made in wood just under the ceiling.
She explained that the hat brides wear on their wedding day is called a horn hat….to hide the horns the bride may show later if her husband is disagreeable. She had a Shinto and a Buddhist shrine. This she said was to cover all bases because Buddhist believe in an afterlife.Most houses have a narrow ,almost hidden ,steep staircase that would have been for servants in past times.

Now if you not too exhausted, there is a shadow puppet to experience that is special to this region. Paper screens are perfect for this. Once evil turtles came and invaded the water near the village. They took children and fishermen.A samurai came on a horse and was attacked by the evil turtle. It’s arm was cut off by the samurai  who put it on display. One night the evil turtle came and begged for his arm and in return he would ensure that the Samurai, his family and descendants would never drown or be short of fish. A descendant of the samurai is still in the town and was a fisherman.

Its lunch time. If you want to eat, you must make Soba noodles from buckwheat and flour. It takes time but you can do it!

Mix and sift flour
Add a little water
Mix until crumbly. Add water and mix to a smooth dough
Start rolling
Roll till it’s a square
Cut, cook eat!

Did you leave room for dessert, you are going strawberry picking and then tonight a barbecue of fish and oysters. The local people have invited you…..then you can roll into bed. Enjoy this wonderful hospitality!


As many as you want but you can’t sneak any out😒. They have bee hives at the end of each greenhouse and the bees pollinate the strawberry flowers.

Oysters and fish….boy were the oysters big.
Momo (peach in English) singing

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