
Is your brain in overload after days of history? It’s time to explore the outdoor life. We are heading south starting with Mt Wellington. This mountain soars above the landscape close to Hobart and has been popular with hikers since the 1800’s. It is made from dolerite  which has weathered into interesting shapes.

Going up!

As you can see, it is foggy. Verrry foggy and there is a brisk wind blowing. Good thing you rugged up because so many people seem to have come unprepared.


Hey look , it a wooden boat building centre. Let’s check it out…..it is run by volunteers who are trying to keep the art of wooden boat building alive. Now it’s internationally recognised and you can qualify for a certificate. Shame we don’t have time but the boats are beautiful. If you live here in Franklin, you can pay $150 annually to the boat organisation and use any of their many boats.  This will be a problem for me……have no idea how to sail or row a boat….and I don’t live in Franklin.

Viking carving for a customer

A whaler replica boat complete with harpoon stand.

A good use of wood scraps
Inuit style…

Which one will you choose?
Skills needed

If you want to know the characters of Geeveston, just check out the beautiful Huon pine carvings around the town. Each have contributed to their community in a positive way.Can you guess their occupations?

This will surprise you, she ran a haberdashery.


Everywhere we go, I try to show you the local wildlife…and usually fail.  Nothing has changed. Platypus are common in this area. I looked carefully and so did you but they have gone on holiday elsewhere.    


Do you remember the TV series Rosehaven? No/yes well anyway part of the series was filmed here in Geeveston. Now our claim to fame will be that we were here too!

You know you are in timber country when a memorial is in the shape of a cut log and one sight is a big tree….aptly named the “big log”.

Today is “Let’s enjoy the outdoors day”. You will climb over 750 stairs  and walk quite a few kilometres. I can hear your groans but you will be having so much fun you won’t notice.

Ready. We are going up there.

The fire started just below the mountain and then started to spread. There was a wind change and it jumped the river and burnt out 67000 hectares of bush land in 2019. Flames were reaching up to more than 50 metres and the fire became a crown fire. The air walk was rebuilt and the bush is recovering. Many of the oldest trees could not be saved.

Could you live out here?
Swing bridge
No rocking it!

Rest time and a quick coffee. Time to do a few more stairs. We are going to the Hasting caves and hot springs. 500 stairs involved. Are you up for it.Like all caves, it is dark with beautiful formations.



The hot springs are around 21 -28degrees Celsius. You can go swimming if you want. You forgot your swimsuit. Oh dear…skinny dipping isn’t allowed , sorry. I think it’s time to head back so we don’t add to the road kill by running over and wildlife on the road. 




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