You are packed and ready to go, I hope.

I know you are tired after the flight…. I must admit I was getting stiff and fidgety. It is 10.55pm.

The trains are right at the airport…buy a ticket and look at the map and you are ready to go.

After a train change to the local line, you are at the train station. Your hotel is one floor up and soon you will be snoozing.🤣
Time to go.
Morning. Are you ready for a new adventure. Breakfast first. You have 3 days to work through the menu.

I love gardens. I suggest we go to Sankeien Gardens. Public buses are a little tricky but be brave, we can do it. These were created by a wealthy silk merchant. He and his family lived in the gardens but opened all but one section to the public. With time, he purchased tea houses and other buildings that were of historical significance and added them to the gardens. The result is definitely a place of “Scenic beauty “ enjoyed by everyone. By the time we left. Were you amazed at how many people were enjoying them?

Look Cherry Blossoms, and you thought you had missed them completely.


Every year Yokohama hosts a garden competition not unlike those like the English Chelsea Garden Competition. It is called the Garden Necklace and borders the waterfront of the port.

The gardens themselves are magnificent and the competition gardens cute.

Feeling tired .. well I guess we have done a lot. Back through the gardens and then to the hotel. We can plan for tomorrow…. No sighing … you know you will enjoy it when you have had time for a rest.. and a few cups of coffee or tea.